Group 10
Armchair Aviator Magazine, short lived magazine of the early 1970's. Volume #1, issues #1, 2, and 3. Volume 2, issues 1, 2, 3, 4, 6. Aviation History Pictures, and articles. Price: $50 for the lot plus S&H
Group 11
Old Air Progress Magazines, 33 issues from 1954 to 1968. Issues are as follows: 1954-1955 Missing Cover, 1955-1956 Issue, 1958 Fall Issue, 1959 Spring and Fall issues, 1960 Winter and Fall issues, 1961-1962 Winter issue, 1961 Fall, Spring, Summer issues, 1962 Spring Issue, 1964 Jan, Jun/Jul, Aug/Sep, Oct/Nov issues, 1965 Feb/Mar, April, May/Jun, Jul, Aug/Sep, Oct issues, 1966 Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov issues, 1967 Apr, May, Aug, Nov issues, 1968 Jan, Mar, Oct issues.
Lots of aviation articles, pictures, some issues had drawings. Early issues were on cheap paper. Photo below just shows the 4 earliest issues I have. I think Air Progress was a quarterly, and eventually monthly magazine.